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Year 5 - Mrs Paisley & Mrs Bouch

Welcome to Mrs Paisley and Mrs Bouch's Class   

Welcome to Year 5 everyone, we hope you have had a lovely summer break. We are looking forward to teaching you all.  Year 5 will be taught by Mrs Paisley from Monday to Wednesday and by Mrs Bouch on Thursday and Friday.

In literacy, we start our term with the books Boy in the Tower and Henry's Freedom Box. Our maths begins with place value and addition and subtraction. Our first science topic of the year will be about properties and changes of materials, and in geography we will be learning about countries around the world and biomes. In PE, we will begin with netball and football, and we will be creating self portraits in art. For more information about the Year 5 curriculum please refer to the ‘Curriculum on a page’ document at the bottom of the page.

Each week, your child will be given some homework. This will include reading each evening, learning the multiplication tables, spellings and a maths activity. Homework will be given out on Friday and returned on Wednesday each week. We would appreciate it if you could support your child in the planning of when he/she should spend time completing homework as it is best to do frequent short sessions rather than all of it in one evening.  In year 5 we encourage the children to be independent and responsible for their homework and handing it in on time. All of the children have a red homework book and a reading record in which they should record the book they are currently reading along with anything else they need to remember. They all have both their AR (Accelerated Reader) and Spelling Shed passwords in their reading records. Spelling Shed provides a fun way to learn weekly spellings. Feel free to use either the homework book, reading record or class dojo as a channel of communication between home and school should you wish to.

The children in year 5 have P.E. lessons on both Monday and Tuesday afternoons: they will need to remember their kit on these days. We should remind everybody; P.E. kit includes coloured T-shirts (depending on their house team), black or blue shorts and trainers. No jewellery should be worn for safety reasons. It is important for children to have their P.E. kit so we are able to provide them with a healthy, active curriculum.


  • Children should arrive at school at 8:45am.
  • Children need to bring a coat, a water bottle (containing water), a bag, a breaktime snack (if they wish - fruit or a cereal bar) and their homework books and reading records to school (and a packed lunch if needed) - please avoid bringing pencil cases and any other unnecessary items.
  • Have PE kit in school every Monday and Tuesday. This can be left in school for a half term at a time.

Not only in our class but as a school, we strive to help your child achieve his/her full potential in every area of school life and to this end we will all work hard to ensure this happens.  In return we expect the children to apply themselves fully and success should follow. Lots of effort in school, plenty of water to drink and lots of sleep needed. Let’s make a really good job of this year!

A few dates:

Wednesday 4th September         Autumn term begins




Mrs Paisley and Mrs Bouch


Homework and website links