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Reception - Mrs Morton

Welcome to Reception 

Hello everyone and welcome to Mrs Morton's Reception class for 2023-2024!

Reception is part our our Early Years Unit, which we share alongside Nursery.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is how we describe the time in your child's education between birth and age 5.

Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world: and
  • Expressive art and design


This half term our topic is ' All about me'.  We will be getting to know each other and talking about ourselves, our families our homes and our local environment.

We will plan learning around children's interests and activities that are suited to your child's unique needs. We will be reading lots of the fantastic stories that we all know and love. Children will explore the language used and take part in lots of role play. 


Children will take part in daily maths sessions focusing on basic counting skills and exploring 2D shapes and pattern.   We develop maths mastery through maths talk, practising skills they've been taught during play, and introducing number sense.


Our literacy activities are linked to various texts within our topic. We try to encourage the love of books and story telling.  Children are given lots of opportunities to develop writing and mark making.

Children learn the letter sounds and begin to blend and segment to read and spell words.

We begin by introducing a different sound each day.

There are some misconceptions and children learn the letter names. But in order to read and write we need to learn the sounds. Practise your sounds at home.  It is also really important that your child recognises and can write their own name.

We will continue "Dough Disco" where children use playdough to develop fine motor skills. And a "finger gym" to make our fingers strong to become amazing writers.

Children are encouraged to develop their own learning styles and develop different learning characteristics through continuous and enhanced provision within the learning environment.


This is in the form of homework bingo, where children and parents learn together. Our expectation is that children choose and complete at least three activities a week. This can be uploaded onto our class dojo to share what your child has been busy with.
Children will read and share a book with an adult once a week in school.  It is an essential part of early years so build sharing stories and books into your routine. We expect parents to fill in reading records to enable us to track how often they read at home. 

Snacks and lunches

Fresh fruit is provided daily for snack during morning break.    For lunch children can bring a packed lunch from home or order one of our delicious school dinners. It would be helpful if parents could pre-order school lunches at home with their child. Children are also encouraged to bring in a water bottle from home. Children have a lovely cup of milk in the afternoons.

It is very important to ensure our younger children are school ready and are independent when putting on coats, going to the toilet and eating or drinking.


Days to remember:
Reception will do PE on a Wednesday morning and a Friday afternoon. In Early Years children can come to school wearing their PE kit, black jogging bottoms or leggings will be fine with their school jumper as it is getting colder).  We will work hard to be healthy movers and take part in the weekly large apparatus and daily bursts of go noodles and jump start Jonny exercises.

Class Dojo:

Our class Dojo is our main channel of communication. We will put day to day information on there. 


  • children should arrive in school at 8.45am and be collected at 3.10pm from the Early Years doors.
  • Children should have a fresh bottle of water each day (this can be refilled)
  • Children should bring a coat as we spend a lot of time outdoors
  • Children need to bring their book bags with reading book/ records everyday

Our Reception class is supported by teaching assistant Mrs Brown and Mrs Turner.
If you have any concerns or queries, please come and talk to us.

Mrs Morton

  • Alphablocks Play along with the Alphablocks and have fun with the letters of the alphabet.

  • The Numtums Join in with the Numtums and learn about numbers from 1 to 10.