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Nursery - Mrs Woodward & Mrs Dalgleish

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Hello everyone and welcome to our Nursery for 2023-2024!

We are really excited to get to know all of your children throughout and have lots of fun whilst learning in our fantastic EYFS unit. 

Please use our Class Dojo page to keep updated on announcements and information throughout the year.  


We change our topics every half term but also love to incorporate the current interests of the children and plan learning around children's interests and activities that are suited to your child's unique needs. 

We will be reading lots of the fantastic stories that we all know and love. Children will explore the language used and take part in lots of role play. 

Children will take part in daily maths sessions focusing on basic counting skills, recognising numerals and exploring 2D shapes and pattern.   We develop maths mastery through maths talk, practising skills they've learned during  play, and introducing number sense.

Our literacy activities are linked to various texts within our topic. We try to encourage the love of books and story telling.  Children are given lots of opportunities to develop writing and mark making.

Every day we start our phonics learning through developing listening skills, recognising pattern and different sounds, syllables and rhyme. We then move onto beginning to learn set one sounds from read write inc which is the phonics scheme throughout school.

Reading is a huge part of our day in Nursery. Each day we will share quality stories with the children to develop a love of reading . The children have access to books at all times and have a weekly visit to the school library to choose a book to take home and share with their parents/carers. 

Snacks and lunches

Every day during the morning session (8.45-12.00) children are provided with milk and a piece of fresh fruit. Children do not need to bring their own snacks unless they have any specific allergies or dietary requirements.

If children are staying for the lunch session, they can bring a packed lunch from home or order a delicious school lunch. It would be helpful if parents could pre-order school lunches from home with their child.



Children in EYFS take part in PE each week on a Tuesday morning. If your child is attending this session, can they please arrive at Nursery wearing their PE kit. PE kit should be black shorts, leggings or joggers with a white t-shirt or polo and their school jumper on top. 



  • Children should arrive in school at 8.45am and be collected at 12.00pm at the small hall for morning only sessions or 3.10pm from the EYFS doors for afternoon/whole day sessions
  • Children should have a fresh bottle of water with them in Nursery each day (this can be refilled)
  • Children should bring a weather appropriate coat as we spend a lot of time in the outdoor areas
  • Children need to bring their library book with them to school each week so it can be changed