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Coronavirus FAQ's

Please see below for answers to some frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to get a copy of the risk assessment please?

Yes, you will have the opportunity to see the risk assessment once agreed by staff. The updated version has been viewed by Governors and sent to staff. This is the LA risk assessment that all maintained schools must use and has been agreed with unions.

What happens if there is a case of Coronavirus in the school?

  1. Will parents be informed? If not, why not? If so, at what point will this be (i.e. after a positive test result?)?
  2. Will the school temporarily close if there is a confirmed case?
  3. How will the school be cleaned?
  4. What happens if a teacher is ill or self-isolating?
  5. Will you be liaising with the Brampton Children’s Area nursery and after school club, to share information about cases (given the many interactions between the two locations)?

School will follow the guidance set out by the Government. Parents will be informed of a positive case of Coronavirus in school. Once confirmed it will then be expected that any person who has had contact with that person will then be required to isolate as per the guidance.

School will not close for one case, only those who have been in contact will be told to isolate.

School has heightened cleaning procedures in place through our cleaning company. Staff will also clean required areas throughout the day as necessary.

I would expect that a child would then have to self isolate due to being in contact with someone who has a confirmed case.

Yes, we will contact Brampton Community Centre.

Social distancing.

Has the way that children sit in classroom changed at all, or will it be the same as before the virus? How far apart will chairs/desks be?

For some children they will be sitting facing the front in rows, for younger children this is less likely.

Will children be asked to socially distance by teachers?

Children will only be asked to socially distance where possible.

Will children be socially distanced at mealtimes? Will tables be disinfected between sittings?

Yes, between the groups/bubbles. Yes, tables will be cleaned between sittings.

How will social distancing be maintained during playtimes?

Using the two halls, we have calculated that we are able to get two bubbles in each hall and be at least 2m apart. We will use the EYFS area, the infant yard, the junior yard and courtyard to separate bubbles whilst playing.

Bubble size.

From the letter it was unclear exactly what size ‘bubbles’ will be and how separation will be maintained. Will each class be considered a bubble? How big will the bubble be?

At present we are attempting to have class bubbles. However, from the guidance what size these can be is unclear. Some schools are using each year group as a bubble which can easily be over 60 children in a large school. As I have said above, we are lucky enough to have 2 halls and therefore the lunch bubbles will be at least be socially distanced by 2m and therefore kept to one bubble.

School equipment.

The letter stated that children cannot bring their own pens and pencils to school. Does this mean that children will be sharing such implements (which appears to be quite a risk, given the way the virus is transmitted)? Or will they have their own assigned pens, pencils, etc.

The guidance is that the less the children bring to school the better. Some equipment will need to be shared in the bubbles, although we are looking at where this can be reduced as much as possible.

Some equipment and furniture have been removed to prevent transmission, including soft furnishings, toys etc.

Children must only bring a bag if it is absolutely necessary.

Will there be a daytime cleaner to help maintain high levels of hygiene?

Currently we do not have a daytime cleaner. All classrooms are supplied with two sinks, hand soap, gel hand sanitiser, liquid spray hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes and antibacterial cleaning spray.  Staff will also clean required areas throughout the day as necessary.


  1. What are the plans for nursery drop-off and pick-up?
  2. Is the Nursery part of the bubble with Reception?

Nursery at present will be included with the reception bubble, although times may differ slightly. However, we initially need to test the system, then evaluate and make changes where necessary.


Will school classrooms be well ventilated (we understand that this is an important factor in reducing transmission)?

All staff have been instructed to ventilate the classrooms.


  1. What happens if parents feel that it is not yet safe to send their children back to school (for example, where families have high-risk family members)?
  2. How long would a school place be held if parents need to home educate for a while on safety grounds?

These are your children and it is up to you to make that choice for your family. Should you decide to not send your children to school the Government have said that schools need to fine parents. I am not in favour of this.

If you remove your child from the register to home educate this makes it very difficult to hold a place open. If you are planning to come back then my advice would be to not do this. Dependent on class sizes (spaces available) this may not be an issue as there may always be a space in your child’s class.

What will the arrangements be for children being collected by the Community Centre for after school care? 

I have contacted the community centre and they said they will liaise with us on drop off and pick up.

On the days I collect the boys one is to be collected at 3pm and the other at 3.15pm. Can I wait in the playground for the second one (pick up area for both is the same) or do I have to leave and come back in? 

You will probably be able to wait on the top yard at a safe distance.

Should parents wear masks for drop off and pick up? 

Keep wondering about this one, no decision as yet but thinking not as we are outside, I will inform parents if this changes.

Can the boys bring a back pack to carry their lunch boxes and water bottles? Their lunch boxes don't have carry handles and as they can't refill their bottles I wanted to send a second bottle to ensure they don't run out.

Bags are fine but just for essential items.