We pride ourselves on providing a rich and relevant curriculum for our pupils in line with National Curriculum and Early Years Framework expectations. Where possible, we try to personalise the curriculum to meet the needs of our children because we believe that:
We design our curriculum in this way because:
In the different sections below, you will find further information about exactly what this looks like in each of our six strands. We have also outlined the different components that our curriculum is made of in the document at the bottom of the page.
You can also look more closely into each subject area using the headings on the right-hand side of this page.
Raise aspirations & broaden horizons.
We need the children of Brampton to understand the possibilities that life holds and the opportunities that exist locally, nationally and globally.
Through visits outside of school, we aim to show children the world beyond their locality. These include trips to Carlisle, the Lake District, Northumberland and Newcastle.
Through assemblies, we highlight the amazing achievements of others and fascinating stories from around the world.
During our work in P.S.H.E., we look at the different jobs people can do and what it takes to pursue a particular career.
We want our children to dream big and believe that they can.
Be responsive to emerging needs.
We like to stay light on our feet because the world changes so quickly! Some children’s needs can change day to day while others emerge more gradually. We want to be ready to help, so we adapt and add to our curriculum when the needs arrive.
Our work with Young Money comes in response to the financial challenges that many of our families face and the underdeveloped understanding of where money comes from.
We arrange visitors to school from different agencies to talk about all kinds of things like online safety, dental hygiene and firework safety when the needs arise.
We recognise the increasing number of children with social, emotional and mental health needs and add new elements to our curriculum to address them.
Cement a strong sense of community.
Brampton is a special place to live! We want our children to be proud of their community and contribute positively towards keeping it that way.
We take part in regular visits to the local sheltered housing to sing, play games and read with the residents.
We contribute to local events like the Town Carol Service, the Christmas lights switch on, gardening initiatives and tree planting.
We do litter picking in our nearby woods and make posters to remind people to pick up their litter.
We also want our children to understand their locality, so we regularly visit the local landmarks, walkways and buildings, including Talkin Tarn, the Mote, St. Martins Church and Hadrian’s Wall within our studies.
Gain knowledge and skills for each next step.
We want our children to be prepared for each next step of their educational journey and for life. Whether moving from nursery to Reception or Year 6 to Year 7, we want our children to have the knowledge and skills to be ready for what comes next.
Each subject taught in school has a clear progression, and we consider prior learning and next steps to make learning stick for our children through a coherent, well-planned approach.
Our model for teaching and learning is based on Rosenshine’s 10 Principles of Instruction. These help us to discuss our pedagogy more effectively and continue to improve it.
With the average reading age of a Cumbrian adult being 9 years old, we place a particularly high value on reading. We recognise reading's importance in developing confident lifelong learners.
Encourage independence and responsibility.
We want our children to know how to do things for themselves.
We offer ongoing support and guidance to help children achieve their goals, but ultimately, we want them to take responsibility for their own learning, behaviour and belongings.
This is reflected in our simple values-based message to our children - work hard and be kind.
Working hard is about being ready, resilient and reflective in our learning. These are all good traits of successful independent learners.
Being kind involves caring about ourselves, others and the environment by making responsible choices.
Find & develop each individual's talents.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum at BPS to ensure that we give children different opportunities to find their interests. We recognise that not all children are successful at the same things. On top of clear progression in line with each National Curriculum subject, we look for (or create) extra-curricular opportunities for children to develop their skills and interests further. We believe that the power of confidence and self-belief comes from being successful in something & that the more success children experience the more resilient they can become in tackling the other things they may find hard. |
“If children have interest, then education happens!”Sugata Mitra