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Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

Message from the Chair of Governors

The school governing body has 11 members representing the community, staff, parents and the Local Authority.  The Governing Body meets through full meetings and committees’ meetings at least six times a year.  When necessary, we meet with the headteacher and lead Governors regarding buildings, finance and staff.  The minutes of the meetings are public documents and may be viewed by arrangement with the clerk to the Governors, Mrs Jeanette Davies.

The Governing Body has overall responsibility for school effectiveness.  This involves determining, monitoring and reviewing the school policies, plans and procedures.  The Headteacher, not the governing body, is responsible for implementing agreed policies, the day-to-day management of the school and the operation of the curriculum.  Governors contribute their skills and knowledge in areas like finance, buildings and maintenance, staffing matters and fund raising, and they play a key role in supporting the efforts of the staff.  When necessary, Governors represent the school in contact with the local authority, parents and other organisations.

Governors' priorities for this school year are to:

  • support staff efforts in developing and delivering relevant educational opportunities for all children;
  • review pupils' achievements and attainments and ensure the structure of the curriculum is fit for purpose;
  • operate the school within budget and avoid deficits, ensure that there is monitoring of the spending of external funds;
  • ensure that the school buildings are maintained in good order and that a safe environment exists at all times.

Being a Governor is a rewarding experience.  From time to time, vacancies for governors arise.  We are always keen to meet people who want information about being a governor.

If you are interested, please contact the clerk to the Governors to arrange an informal discussion.

William Johnston

Chair of Governors

Further Information

Please contact the school telephone number if you need further information. Alternatively, contact the Governing Body directly via the clerk using the following email address:

Tel: 016977 42158