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Year 3 – Mrs Brooks & Miss Miller

Welcome to Year 3

Mrs Brooks and Miss Miller 2024-2025

Welcome back to Year 3! We hope that you all had a super Christmas break and we are really looking forward to a new school term full of exciting opportunities. Please find some important information about our class below.

In literacy, we will be learning to write narratives, an information leaflet and explanations using the books ‘Rhythm of the Rain' by Grahame Baker-Smith and 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.  In our sentence accuracy work, we will be focussing on the use of conjunctions and adverbs. We will be exploring word families, learning new spelling patterns and then applying these to our writing. We will also start the term by reading 'Pugs of the Frozen North' by Philip Reeve and 'The Wild Robot' by Peter Brown.

In maths, we will be continuing to apply a range of models and methods when multiplying and dividing. We will then start to explore fractions and measurement. 

Our geography topic for this term is 'The UK'. We will be learning about physical and human landmarks and will be working on our fieldwork skills together. In science, we will be investigating ‘Forces and Magnets' before moving on to our 'Plants' topic. Keep checking our class Dojo page for updates about our learning and amazing achievements.


Children in Year 3 should read aloud to an adult every night.  As well as daily reading, children must practise their spellings and timetables.  Each week, our spellings are available to practise online on Spelling Shed and children will be tested on them the following Monday morning.  In Year 3, children need to know the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables and it is vital that children practise these regularly at home.  Again, these can be practised online using Times Tables Rockstars. Children will also be sent home maths tasks to complete that are linked to our weekly focus.

Links for Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars are at the bottom of the page. You will find your child's login details in their Reading Record.

Please record daily home reading in your child's reading record and send it in to school each day. We will collect the reading records in each Friday and award Dojo points for home reading.


Children will have P.E. on Monday and Thursday afternoons and should bring their P.E kits to school at the start of every half term. In addition to this, our Year 3 children will be attending weekly swimming lessons on a Wednesday afternoon (15th Jan - 26th March). An informative letter will be sent out at the start of the term.

P.E. kit - house team coloured t-shirt, black or blue shorts or tracksuit/jogging bottoms/leggings (in colder weather) and trainers or plimsolls.  No jewellery should be worn for safety reasons. Children who wear earrings must take them out for P.E. or tape them up please.

We will always aim to be outside for P.E. so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. This half-term we will be practising Hockey and Dance skills.


  • Children should arrive at school at 8:45am. 
  • We will finish school promptly at 3:15pm.
  • Children need to bring a coat, a water bottle and a healthy snack / toast money to school (and a packed lunch if needed).
  • Reading records and reading books should enter and leave school every day.
  • Homework includes daily reading, a maths task and regular practice of spellings and times tables.

Our Class Dojo is a good channel of communication. Please send us a message if you wish to. Miss Miller teaches Year 3 on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Brooks teaches the class from Wednesday to Friday.

Best Wishes

Mrs Brooks and Miss Miller

Useful links for learning:

  • Spelling Shed Practise your weekly spellings through fun games.

  • Newsround Keep up to date with the latest news.