Year 2 - Mrs Walker & Mrs Shaw
Welcome to Year 2’s Class Page
Here you will find some information for this term.
Our Literacy work this term will be based around the story 'The Bog Baby' which is a lovely story about two children who make an exciting discovery. This story will inspire us to write our own narrative piece about discovering our own creature. The non-fiction unit linked to this text will lead us to writing instructions on how to keep our creatures safe and well. During the second part of the Spring term we will read the story 'Grandad's Island'. A beautiful and emotional story about a little boy and his Grandad. We will use this to help us write a return narrative and an information text. Each Friday in our literacy work we will continue to develop our comprehension skills using a range of texts. Spellings will continue to be a feature of our daily work where we will continue to develop our understanding of different spelling patterns linked to the year 2 spelling list.
In Maths we will be starting the term looking at money. We will consider the value of each coin and note and identify ways of making the same amount. Once we have completed our money, we will move onto multiplication and division which will then helps us when we start our work on fractions. We will use our lessons on Friday to develop fluency with our arithmetic skills this term and move onto some work on length and height once our confidence has developed. We are also continuing our Mastering Number programme supported by the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics). The children started this in Reception and year 1 and will take the next step this year. It will consist of daily activities that will allow children to develop a secure grasp of number ready for Key Stage 2.
Topics & Themes:
This year we will be teaching our foundation subjects in blocks. This is the same as how the children worked in year 1. On a Tuesday and Wednesday we will be starting the term with science, where we will look at animals including humans. At the end of the spring term we will look at everyday materials. In geography we will compare London with Nairobi in Kenya. Computing will involve us looking at algorithms and debugging followed by looking at parts of the International Space Station. Mrs Shaw will teach Music, R.E., PSHE, Art and Design Technology on a Thursday and Friday afternoon. These sessions will involve making a fairground wheel in D and T, understadning what a prophet is in R.E. and looking at health and well-being in P.S.H.E. Much more information about our curriculum coverage is available in the Curriculum on a Page document at the bottom of this page.
During this term the children will have PE on Monday, however they can keep their P.E. bag in school all half term. We will send the kit home to be washed at the end of each half term. We should remind everybody; P.E. kit includes a T-shirt (based on their house colour) blue shorts and either trainers or plimsolls. Black jogging bottoms are fine too if the weather is cooler. No jewellery should be worn for safety reasons. If your child is unable to take out earrings, they must have their own tape in school to cover them however it is advisable to leave earrings out on our P.E day- thank you.
Homework consists of reading EVERY night. Please use the reading record to record when your child has read, and make comments. A spelling list will be sent home each Monday after the new spellings have been introduced and a times table sheet will be sent home to support multiplication facts. Spelling Shed and TTRS can be used as an online learning platform to support spellings and times tables too- Log in details can be found in your child's reading record.
Reading Information:
Children will be reading either the Read Write Inc books or the Accelerated Reading books as their class/home reading book. Your child will come out with a number called a ZPD on Accelerated Reader which tells us which books are at the right level for reading and comprehension skills. Children are expected to read shorter books twice (at least once to an adult at home) before completing a quiz on the book in school. If they score above 85% on a quiz for that level of books 3 times then they will move up to the next number within their ZPD.
Class Dojo:
Our Class Dojo is our main channel of communication. We will put day to day information on there, as well as pictures of what the children have been up to in school. Please do not hesitate to message us via Dojo if you need anything.
Here’s to a great term!
Mrs Walker and Mrs Shaw
Useful websites:
Time Table Rockstars Use the log in at the front of your child's reading record and use school pupil log in, find BPS
Spelling Shed Use the log in which can be found at the front of your child's reading record
Phonics Play Games to develop phonics skills